Investor Relations
IR News
[Delayed]Consolidated Financial Results for the Nine Months Ended December 31, 2024 (PDF:157 KB)PDF
[Delayed]Consolidated Financial Results for the Six Months Ended September 30, 2024 (PDF:155 KB)PDF
[Delayed]Consolidated Financial Statements for Q1/FY2025 (PDF:160 KB)PDF
[Delayed]Consolidated Financial Statements for FY2024 (PDF:203 KB)PDF
[Delayed] Consolidated Financial Statements for Q3/FY2024 (PDF:160 KB)PDF
[Delayed] Consolidated Financial Statements for Q2/FY2024 (PDF:155 KB)PDF
[Delayed] Consolidated Financial Statements for Q1/FY2024 (PDF:244 KB)PDF
Management Policy
IR Policy
1. Basic Policy on Information Disclosure
Miyakoshi Holdings aims to promote fairness, justness, sincerity, and transparency in its corporate activities. We will strive to disclose the details of our business activities to all stakeholders in accordance with the timely disclosure rules of the stock exchanges and related laws and regulations, including the Companies Act and the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act.
2. Purpose of IR activities
Our IR activities aim to ensure that our corporate value is properly evaluated by our shareholders and investors. To this end, we are committed to providing information necessary for investment decisions in a transparent, timely, fair, and continuous manner.
Corporate Governance
Fundamental Stance
Miyakoshi Holdings aims to continuously enhance its corporate value and fulfill its social responsibility (CSR) as a holding company that controls and manages the business activities of its group companies. We also strive to become a company trusted by its shareholders, customers, and all other stakeholders.
To this end, we have established corporate governance, ensuring compliance with the laws, regulations, and Articles of Incorporation, and that our officers, employees, and subsidiaries are fully aware of our corporate ethics. At the same time, we will continue to enhance the transparency and soundness of our business management organization. We will also regard the establishment of a system for appropriate business execution and prompt, accurate management decision-making as a top priority. Moreover, we will strive to develop an internal control system and compliance risk management system to further enhance our corporate value.
Response to Antisocial Forces
1. Fundamental Stance on the Exclusion of Antisocial Forces
Miyakoshi Holdings maintains a firm stance against antisocial forces that threaten the order and safety of civil society and resolutely rejects any unreasonable demands from such parties.
2. Status on Measures for the Exclusion of Antisocial Forces
Miyakoshi Holdings has established an Internal Control Office and an internal system, developing a code of conduct, ethical rules, compliance rules, and the like from the perspective of preventing antisocial forces from causing harm or being involved in the company's business activities.
Our Internal Control Office is prepared to combat unreasonable claims from antisocial forces, preparing response manuals, conducting training activities on a routine basis, and utilizing our internal control system to collect and manage relevant information.